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The best method for managing your on-site service callouts

For many businesses, providing on-site service callouts are an essential part of ensuring that customer-business relationships stay healthy and rewarding. In this kind of service, both customer and company are involved in a mutually beneficial exchange. The customer receives essential repairs, updates, or routine maintenance. At the same time, the business providing the service receives the opportunity for customer interaction and relationship building, as well as the financial benefits that come with it. As a business, there are many ways to manage your on-site service callouts. However, out of the three methods below, there is one clear ‘winner’ that is the smart choice for any modern day on-site service provider.

1. Using a physical docket book for on-site service callouts


It does exactly what it says on the tin – it’s a paper based method.

  • Because it’s made of paper, there’s no need for an internet connection, batteries, or the woes that might come with using technology.
  • It’s the familiar, pocket sized go-to method for keeping records.
  • If the system crashes or your battery dies, the paper docket book will survive.


  • With this method, the only person who knows the status of the on-site visit is the book holder.
  • Unless regular emails or messages are being sent during the visit, this method means that others in the company are left in the dark.
  • Some important details that were written down, but not communicated could also be lost – and certainly if the book itself is lost.

2. Keeping a list on Excel for on-site service callouts


  • Keeping data about on-site callouts on Excel removes some of the problems with the paper method. The information is saved on a system and it can also be communicated to others in the company much quicker, and easier.
  • Excel is also a familiar and intuitive system, and it makes an effort to help users illustrate data in useful ways.


  • Unless you’re working in the cloud, this useful information will automatically be stored on just one computer
  • This poses the same problem as the paper method – the opportunity for the instant sharing of all the essential information is lost.
  • Manually communicating updates is a waste of valuable time, and it means that your reporting ability is limited.
  • There is the opportunity for human error when inputting information.

3. Using a service management system: a CRM for on-site service callouts


  • When you centralise your customer’s data, it becomes far easier for employees to gain a full understanding of the customer’s history and needs.
  • This means providing a better and more efficient service when they are called out on-site.
  • It also allows for the all important instant flow of information between employees, but also between customers and the business.
  • This means instant text messages and updates about on-site service callouts for customers, which has the knock on effect of creating stronger business-customer relationships.


  • Implementing a CRM system means training in your staff on how to use it. This can be time consuming.
  • Also, when you have this kind of system in your business, it requires ongoing maintenance and possibly updates as well.
  • It’s a long-term commitment, and implementing this system incorrectly can be a costly mistake.

The winner?

Out of these three, the one that is most beneficial to the mutually rewarding relationship between you and your customer is number three. Of course, there is something to be said for having that personal docket book in your pocket. Whether you choose to use more than one method for your on-site service callouts or not, using a CRM system is certainly the smart choice.

We are an independent CRM software provider, which means you get unbiased advice tailored to your needs. Feel free to ask us for a free demo with one of our trusted CRM partners. We also provide an expert membership management solution, which helps keep your on-site service system working at its best.

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