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Results 613 - 624 of 633

23 Jan 2010
Read Time: 2 mins

Look Forward to CiviCRM version 3.1

After the release of CiviCRM version 3.0, CiviCRM team didn’t wait and they started with the next version of CiviCRM. CiviCRM goes through a large number of testing cycles before the final version is released to the community and to test all the cool features of CiviCRM, a lot of time is required.

21 Nov 2009
Read Time: 2 mins

CiviCRM 3.0 Released

New CiviCRM Version ReleasedCiviCRM team has announced the release of latest version (version 3.0) of their highly extensive membership management application. The new version boasts of a number of improvements and new features from the last stable version 2.2 Other than its standard features the latest version has features such as:

21 Aug 2009
Read Time: 2 mins

vTiger announces release of version 5.1.0

vTiger announces releases new version 5.1.0vTiger, a true open source Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), released version 5.1.0 last month. The new version boasts of more than 150 features/enhancements, 700 bug fixes and other performance enhancements. The new version replaces the last stable version 5.0.4. The latest version of the applcation and the upgrade package can be downloaded from or their website at

Some of the main features of the new version are:

12 May 2009
Read Time: 2 mins

Backing Up Your Website!!

treasurecopyDisaster recovery is the most important strategy every business should consider when in today’s time businesses are based on the Internet or software. Your website is one very important part of your business and you should consider on backing up periodically. If the content of your website changes frequently, your backup frequency should be higher otherwise

16 Apr 2009
Read Time: 3 mins

Track Visitors of Your Site – Website Statistics

analyticDo you know:

  • How many visitors were on your website last week?
  • Which pages on your website are most popular?
  • Which country/county they came from?
  • Which Keywords are bringing most customers to your website?
  • What is Google Analytics?
12 Apr 2009
Read Time: 4 mins

Shoutcast Server on Windows

There you go.  I decided on implementing a shoutcast server on my PC. Two reasons: Sharing audio with everyone at…

18 Mar 2009
Read Time: 2 mins

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – An Introduction

What would a person do when he wants to buy a product or service? He will talk to friends, search the yellow pages, and go from shop to shop to search for a particular product/service… Nah…… not in this electronic age? With increasing number of Internet users around the globe, the primary source of information is the website search. I do it, you do it and we all do it. We search internet for everything, so much so that the term GOOGLE has replaced the word search in our mindset. We GOOGLE it.

07 Jan 2009
Read Time: < 1 mins

Satisfied Online Shopper is More Likely to Purchase Again

Online-Customer-ServicesA US study of online shopping habits has found that a highly satisfied online shopper is 73 percent more likely to purchase online than a dissatisfied shopper, and 75 percent more likely to recommend a site to a friend. The annual report into customer satisfaction with retail websites by ForeSee Results showed that only 10 of 40 top e-tail sites managed to improve their online shopper satisfaction rating since the previous year’s study.

06 Jan 2009
Read Time: < 1 mins

Most Consumers Research Online Before They Buy

Research Online Before You Buy

A leading hosting and internet services provider recently found that nearly half of the consumers reasearch online before they buy anything. Yet only half of the retailers monitor their reputation on the internet or don’t have a website.

The hosting firm surveyed 1,500 people and over 400 retailers and found that nearly half of of the consumers read reviews of the products before actually buying them.

One in three consumers leave a review online, 44% men and 34% women go to review sites and compare the prices from various online stores.


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