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From vision to victory: The role of leadership in digital transformation


Digital transformation is not a buzzword. It is a reality that every small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) in the UK and Ireland must embrace. According to a recent report by Microsoft, 54% of UK SMEs accelerated their digital transformation plans in 2020, and 71% of Irish SMEs increased their use of digital tools in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The benefits of digital transformation are clear: improved efficiency, productivity, customer satisfaction, innovation, and competitiveness. But the challenges are also significant: changing mindsets, processes, and technologies can be daunting and disruptive for any organisation, especially for those with limited resources and expertise. 

That is why leadership is crucial for successful digital transformation. Leaders are the ones who can inspire, motivate, and guide their teams through the complex and uncertain journey of change. Leaders are the ones who can create a compelling vision, a clear strategy, and a supportive culture for digital transformation. Leaders are the ones who can make change happen, not just manage it. In this blog post, we will explore the role of leadership in change management and digital transformation, and how SMEs in the UK and Ireland can leverage the insights and best practices from the Target Integration guide to digital transformation. 

The role of leadership in digital transformation 

Digital transformation is not just about technology. It is about people, process, and technology (PPT). Blinded by the promise of smoother, automated processes of technology, employers too often forget that people are the most critical factor in any digital transformation project. Without people who are willing and able to use and improve the technology, it will have no impact. Therefore, engaging and empowering people is the primary responsibility of leaders in digital transformation. 

But how can leaders do that? According to a study by McKinsey, one of the key drivers of successful digital transformation is having a CEO who can communicate a clear and consistent story about why the change is necessary, what the benefits are, and how the organisation will achieve them. The study found that organisations with CEOs who excel at storytelling are 5.8 times more likely to have a successful digital transformation than those with CEOs who do not. Storytelling is a powerful tool for leaders to connect with their employees, customers, and stakeholders, and to create a sense of urgency, purpose, and direction for the change. 

Why change must start at the top 

Another key driver of successful digital transformation is having strong leadership alignment and commitment. The McKinsey study found that organisations with aligned leaders are 3.8 times more likely to have a successful digital transformation than those with misaligned leaders. Alignment means that all the leaders in the organisation share the same vision, goals, and priorities for the change, and that they demonstrate their support and involvement in the transformation initiatives. Alignment also means that leaders are willing to challenge the status quo, embrace new ways of working, and model the desired behaviours for their teams. 

Change must start at the top, because leaders set the tone and the direction for the organisation. If you and your senior management team are not aligned and committed, the digital transformation will lack clarity, coherence, and credibility. Significantly, employees will be confused, frustrated, and resistant to the change. While customers may quickly become dissatisfied, disloyal, and distrustful of your organisation. Therefore, leaders must be the first to adopt and advocate for the digital transformation, and to show their teams how it will benefit them and the organisation. 

Essential elements of successful change management 

Change management is the process of planning, implementing, and sustaining the changes that are required for digital transformation. As mentioned in our Essential Guide to Digital Transformation, change management is not a one-off event, but a continuous journey that involves constant learning and improvement. Since its developed in the 1960s, the PPT framework has proved to be invaluable aid to thousands of companies, ensuring the key elements of successful change management are covered: 

  • People: As we have discussed, people are the most critical factor in any digital transformation project. Therefore, change management must focus on engaging and empowering people at all levels of the organisation, from leadership to frontline employees. This involves securing leadership buy-in, engaging stakeholders, developing a communication plan, upskilling talent, and making cultural changes. 
  • Process: Process refers to the workflows, procedures, and systems that enable the organisation to operate and deliver value to its customers. Digital transformation often involves reengineering and optimising processes to make them more efficient, effective, and customer-centric. Therefore, change management must focus on conducting an initial assessment, future-proofing processes, roadmapping implementation, monitoring and measuring key metrics, and managing the change. 
  • Technology: Technology refers to the digital tools and platforms that support and enhance your organisation’s processes and capabilities. Digital transformation often involves adopting and integrating new technologies that offer innovative solutions and possibilities. Therefore, change management must focus on assessing existing infrastructure and capabilities, selecting an appropriate solution, safeguarding data, foregrounding cybersecurity, and continuous improvement. 

By following these three elements, SMEs in the UK and Ireland can ensure that their change management is holistic, strategic, and effective, and that their digital transformation is successful and sustainable. 


Digital transformation is a necessity for UK and Irish SMEs who want to survive and thrive in the Digital Age. But digital transformation is not easy. It requires a lot of change, and change is hard. That is why leadership is critical for driving change management and digital transformation. Leaders are the ones who can inspire, motivate, and guide their teams through the complex and uncertain journey of change. Leaders are the ones who can create a compelling vision, a clear strategy, and a supportive culture for digital transformation. Leaders are the ones who can make change happen, not just manage it. 

If you are a leader of an SME in the UK or Ireland, and you want to embark on a successful digital transformation journey, we recommend that you download our Essential Guide to Digital Transformation. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive and practical framework to help you plan, implement, and sustain your digital transformation, based on the essential elements of change management. The guide will also provide you with real-life examples, best practices, and tips from experts and peers who have gone through the digital transformation process, as well as a handy checklist to ensure you’ve ticked off the most critical steps of your digital transformation. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best and to transform your business for the better. 

Download the guide here. 

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