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Planning for Your New Website

So you read our blog post on “Does Your Business Need a Website” and now you have made a decision to get a website. First I must congratulate you on taking first step towards your online presence. But before you hire a web developer to get your website developed you need to plan your website. Following are some of the items that you should check and plan before you move towards your website. They equally apply to people redeveloping their existing websites.

Write a Brief about Your Website

Before you hire a web developer you must write a brief about your website. A brief is not just for the web developer but it is for you as well to put it in black and white as to what do you want from your website. Generally the content of the brief are your requirements from the website. We’ll cover parts of a brief in our next posts.

Plan your Content Categories

If your website is going to be content rich then plan on the categories of the website content. Your content categories have to be structured so that it is easier for you to find your content as well as for the user of the website. Also a web designer may have to use the content categories to implement some of the design and structure of the website.

Search Engine Optimisation or Adwords?

If you are anywhere serious about your website marketing efforts you should be thinking about it from the beginning and not at the end. My personal opinion is that you should consider a mixture of both SEO and Adwords to get the best results from your internet marketing.

Which Content Management System

Once you get a website you will realise how quickly information on a website becomes out of date it may be anything from a price of a product/service or even the correction of a spelling mistake. Hence I always recommend that you should get a suitable Content Management System for your website. Target Integration recommends and provides integration and customisation services on Joomla, Drupal and WordPress.

Mobile Version of Your Website?

As the smartphones are getting popular day by day we are seeing a rise in the enquiries for mobile versions of websites. If you are using a Content Management System; it is possible to just get a new template which displays a mobile version of the website to the website visitors from a mobile phone. You may want to consider getting a mobile template for your new website from the beginning.

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