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Social Media Means Business Conference Update

Last week I had a chance to go to the Social Media Means Business Conference in Tallaght Stadium. I must say that the conference was a very good overview of Social Media for Business. Krishna De was brilliant as always. She covered how businesses can benefit from using Social Media as a marketing tool. It can be anything from Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook or even a good blog.

Then came the three case studies. Rob Ryan of Lady Umbrella spoke about how Facebook and Twitter have improved their business and how they are now managing their returns and customer communication from their Twitter account.

Peter Donegan of Peter Donegan Landscaping spoke about the audio blog that he has on audioboo and how it is proving to be important for his business. It is also providing him the flexibility as writing a blog would not be feasible in his schedule.

Jane Davis of Leopardstown Rasecourse showed us how Facebook had been useful in connecting with the customers and giving them realtime updates on conditions of the racecourse when weather conditions were not allowing the races. Also a custom Facebook page is also helping them to market the Bulmer’s Live event.

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