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10 (Enhanced) Features of SAP Business One version.10

SAP released the latest version of their SMB ERP Solution SAP Business One in September 2021. The new version has improved features in their latest package as well as in their web- client.   

In this article, we are going to see the advancements till now, on these 10 areas of SAP B1 functionalities. 

1. Web Client Enhancements: 

Web Client is based on SAP Fiori design principles that is encapsulating core processes and business logic. The web client reads and writes to the SAP B1 database which is available on-premise MS SQL or on SAP HANA. Some of the enhanced features of Web Client in version 10 are focused on the creation, processing, and updating of Sales Quotations, Sales Orders, A/R Deliveries, and A/R Invoices. 

Enhanced delivered objects, support message preferences (where message preference form is added to review and change as per user desires), list of locations SnB/ Bin (which can be auto-selected), enhanced analytic capabilities with card view options etc are some of the main highlights.  

Key highlights: 

  • Delivered objects 
  • Support message preferences 
  • Outgoing SnB/Bin location selection 
  • Analytic capabilities with card view options 
SAP Business One Features

Card view enables you to create sets of analytical cards for a given object using a dedicated editor and save it as a view for future use.

2. Usability Enhancements:

Usability is highlighted mainly with its new theme- Belize deep in this version. This is currently available when using Fiori style cockpit. This gives a synced look with both SAP Business One and its web-client. The User interface is enhanced with more icons in the menu. For example, company & username is always displayed at the top corner. The ability to resize & maximize form size with several fields will increase usability especially, by avoiding scrolling, in busy forms. Some more enhancements in the business process, like changelog for exchange rates lists and a refresh button, enabled for balance sheet comparison.    

Harmonized user experience for those who work with both SAP B1 and the Web Client, Refresh button enabled for balance sheet comparison report. 

Key highlights:

  • New skin style 
  • Company Name 
  • Show/Hide Toolbar 
  • Resize/ Maximize Forms 
  • User Name in License Administration 
  • User Name in Add-on Administration 
SAP Business One version.10 Features

New cockpit design

3. Administration Enhancements: 

 A wide enhancement has been given to administration. These are mainly released in the 2020 August update (FP2008). Some of the main highlights are: 

The support expiration date added on August 2020, edition (FP2008) simplifies support by having necessary information available in one screen. 

Additional options provided in document printing like table sorting and filtering will optimize batch printing with increased productivity and sustainability.  

Increased character length in fields like customer and supplier group name, item group name and description etc. increases flexibility and standardised description to the products and names entered in this field. 

A simplified approval procedure is another enhanced feature. Users, both authorizer and originator can add the document for approval which can be updated as well. It reduces the unnecessary number of back-and-forth communications.   

Alerts management- A new window is dedicated to managing alerts 

Key highlights 

SAP Business One Features

The new support expiration date simplifies support by having necessary information available on one screen. 

4. Financial Management Enhancements:

The new features in the financial module enhances transparency.   

 Introduction of golden-arrow next to the account codes will give accounts details (drill-down to G/L accounts) with just one click. this will increase usability and transparency.    

The posting period table is highly significant for businesses handling of a long list of posting period is simplified with new sorting functionality, filtering options and free-text searching. setting the new check box creates a period with due dates due in the next financial year makes new posting period creation easier because the due date to the field is automatically set to the previously entered date by default.   

Another is extended Journal entry wherein the remarks field contains now capacity for more characters.   

Key highlights:  

  • Posting period enhancements 
  • Extended Journal Entry Remarks 
  • Drill Down to G/L Accounts 
SAP Business One Features

Golden-arrow next to the account codes will give accounts details (drill-down to G/L accounts) 

5. Localization Enhancements:

 SAP Business One 10.0 localization enhancements are there for new localisation in the UK, and Northern Ireland, due to Brexit. ‘UK’ will be code for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland while ‘GB’, the existing code for UK international / republic of Ireland. Migration from existing to new localisation is needed in support beyond 2020.  

Key highlights:  

  • Support UK and Ireland post-Brexit. 
  • Tax Reports 
  • Localisation Migration Utility
SAP Business One Features

New naming for UK after Brexit as United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

6. Sales and Purchasing Enhancements:

The possibility to hide blank lines in addresses and the backorder report enhancements is a new addition. 

In marketing documents, if there are empty address lines, then by checking the new checkbox in settings, we can hide empty address lines.  

In the system and printed document. If to add it, all A/R invoices payment statements displays not paid, partially paid and fully paid to enhance better visibility in the report. We can filter documents based on that. 

Key highlights: 

  • Hide blank lines in addresses 
  • Backorder Report 

Filtering for fully paid documents in Backorder report

7. Project management: 

 New fields are added in the interactive Gantt Chart. The Gantt chart allows project phases to be moved or extended interactively. Easier and more project planning and managing tasks in a project are much more user friendly now.   

Key highlight: 

  • Gantt Chart 
SAP Business One Features

Interactive Gantt Chart for project management

8. Inventory Distribution:

SAP has introduced new features in Serial & Batch number management and UoM (Unit of measurement) Group Changing.   

Serial & Batch number management: In here, the document types A/R reserve invoices and Inventory Transfer Requests and are now included in updating the serial numbers.   

The UoM relationship can be changed for item master data. For that, close open documents and the UoM group conversation rate definition can be changed.   

Key highlights: 

  • Serial & Batch Numbers Management 
  • UoM Group Changing

9. Production Enhancements:  

The possibility to apply the item description update to the bill of materials and to drill down from bill of materials to item master data directly. Item description in item master data records connected materials is reflected in the bill of materials by accepting the system message.   

The item master data description update connected to the Bill of Materials (BoM) parent item will be reflected in the BoM product description. This leads to flexible handling of item and resource descriptions in the Bill of Materials.  

The new drill-down to the Item Master data record also enhances more intuitive and direct navigation between Bill of Materials and Item Master Data.  

Key highlights: 

  • Updated Item Description Applied to BoM 
  • Drill Down from BoM to Item Master Data 

10 Platform-Extensibility

 Service Layer Enabled for Microsoft SQL Server: This is ready for loosely coupled extensibility running for Microsoft SQL and HANA  

Service Layer Configuration UI opts out the need to edit multiple configuration files. Microsoft Microsoft 365 Integration for SAP Business One cloud is another recent feature that allows Microsoft 365 and One drive for document layouts, grid results and reports to be exported to Excel and Word.   

In the meanwhile, SAP B1 has also raised its support to 64-bit operating systems only. That means smaller software package by removing 32-bit components 

Key highlights: 

Document History  

Though the first release of SAP Business One 10.0 was in October 2019, its feature packages were released in 2020, August. Further enhancements were done in November 2020, March 2021, May 2021 and the latest package was released in August 2021.  

Highlighted takeaways:   

SAP Business One v.10 comes with more adaptability for web-client, making useful features for cloud implementation also. Usability features, integration with Microsoft services.  

Contact us for SAP Business One upgrade to version 10 

Target Integration is an SAP Business One Partner that can deliver you the required solutions for your SAP Business One integration and extensions. We have offices in Ireland, UK, US and India. Drop a mail to let us know more- [email protected] 

Considering switching your SAP Business One to version 10?  Contact our experts today. 

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