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Complete Automation for Energy Management Company


Rayal is a leading energy savings and LED replacement provider, based in Dublin.  They wanted to automate their manual, pre-sales processes for calculating client savings and integrate this with other internal systems, so they approached Target Integration.



Consulting, Implementation and Software Development




Target Integration helped lighting provider Rayal with a much-needed makeover of their manual processes for calculating savings from LED replacements, through automation and integration with their supply chain and accounting systems. 

Manual Processes

Manual processes in any business are prone to bottlenecks – they depend on people and process, and if either fails or isn’t available, then problems arise. Rayal realised that if they were to grow their business further, they needed to replace these manual processes with automated ones.

Isolated Data Stores

Rayal was managing a lot of information in spreadsheet form and multiple data sources were leading to ‘islands of information’, meaning multiple searches every time they needed specific information about a product, client or supplier.

Reliance on Powerful but Unconnected LED Savings Calculators

Rayal realised that while their powerful spreadsheets were giving them all the possible results and calculations they needed, they were prone to failure – just one incorrect data entry by any one user could cause a complete shutdown of the process. In addition, there were multiple versions of these spreadsheets on their network.

When we first set out on this task, I did not think there was a system out there that was able to survey, do accounts, perform customer management and track and trace stock. To have all these modules on Odoo through Target Integration was simply amazing for me as Finance…


Having reviewed Rayal’s work processes and associated limitations, Target Integration delivered complete automation for their presales activities. An essential part of any implementation like this is change management, as it is easy to replace systems but very difficult to change people.

LED Savings Calculator with Lead Management

Target Integration took Rayal’s requirements for a savings calculator and presented a design which was clean and modern looking, as well as being compatible with tablets and mobile devices. This LED savings calculator is now used by every Rayal surveyor, to estimate the client savings possible after switching to LED Lighting.

Report for Customer Quotation

The retrieval of information or data from disparate storage of files and folders, was both time consuming and prone to error (or omission).  To speed up the process and minimise human error, Target Integration integrated a quote generation process within Odoo’s existing services.

Stock Management System

The implementation of warehouse management into Rayal has leveraged them with a competitive advantage by minimising labour expenses, enhancing customer service, improving inventory accuracy, increasing flexibility and responsiveness.


The introduction of electronic site surveys delivered benefits for both Rayal and their clients, as the results could be shared quickly and efficiently. With the need for manual transmission of data from one system to another effectively eliminated, Rayal experienced significant time savings.

When customers started receiving quotations quickly, they started making faster decisions about a potential project.  All the necessary information was well presented and this also increased customer satisfaction, as the Rayal teams had all the information they needed to support their clients at their fingertips, thanks to Odoo.  

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