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Kalkine did not work on any software in the past. But, when their business required a certain level of tuning in terms of processes and operations management, they started looking out for a CRM Solution. Having researched their options for a Zoho partner, they chose Target Integration for software consultancy and implementation services. 


Consulting, Implementation




Kalkine wanted to upscale their operations and needed an application to manage the complete customer lifecycle, from leads and acquisition to customer service and retention, and to automate the overall business process. Following initial consultations, Target Integration proposed the Zoho One suite (all employee pricing) to manage both their sales representatives and sales management operations efficiently.

Target identified the main challenges faced by Kalkine investment consultancy company as follows:

Application to Manage Ticketing System

A professional help desk application was needed to manage Kalkine’s ticketing system, improve customer engagement and ultimately deliver an improved customer service experience. They also needed one unified data organisation tool, or CRM, to manage their interactions and information from leads and deals to service delivery.

Exclusive Business Application Platform

Needed a Single Business Application Platform to operate various company operations along with customer support management that can fit their company size. A CRM software to manage customer relationships and business sales.

Software with Multiple Data Access Levels and Security

The client required a CRM that would allow them to define access permissions for all roles within the business, from admin or sales staff to executives.  The system also needed to be integrated into their consultancy business, to allow their support agents secure access to relevant customer and service related information.


Kalkine was delighted with both Zoho Desk (help desk support software) and Zoho CRM (sales and customer management) and decided to take things to the next step.  They asked Target Integration for a unified system, where elements could communicate and integrate, with scope for further expansion and development as their business dynamics and operations changed to reflect market standards and customer needs. Target Integration helped this investment consultancy company address all these business challenges with following solutions:

A One-Stop Solution

Target Integration implemented Zoho One suite as a single business application platform, meaning Kalkine were capable of managing customer information and sales closure records, without the need to navigate between different systems.

Enhanced Customer Relationship

Zoho CRM working as a Data Management & Storage solution for Kalkine and helping the Sales Representative and Customer Support team to stay on the same page. It was also integrated with their Helpdesk Software.

Ticketing and Mobile Application

Zoho Desk provides a professional, user friendly ticketing solution for Kalkine, whilst the addition of the Zoho Mobile Application helps their sales representatives, internal staff and support agents to access data anywhere and at anytime.


By using Zoho Desk, Kalkine is now able to maintain and manage prompt responses and improved communication with their customers. They no longer have to maintain excel spreadsheets, and have eliminated the associated challenges of manual errors or data security. And the implementation of Zoho CRM has resolved the core issues in managing both sales representatives and the sales process. Finally, the automation and workflow set up in Zoho One suite has equipped them with the foundations needed for strong business process support.

After the successful implementation of Zoho One suite, Kalkine asked Target Integration for AMC as they wanted ongoing training and support assistance for the smooth and continuous setup of their IT operations. This is helping them to scale up their back-office processes and operations significantly.

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