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ERP in Manufacturing Sector

Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) industry is on an all-time high as the managements of various Sectors and Industries have realized the needs and benefits of integrating ERP in their business. Manufacturing Sector is one such sector which is able to utilize ERP software to the greatest extent. In this article we will talk about how to integrate ERP with you manufacturing industry and why? Manufacturing is an intricate process that involves various processes before the final product can actually be made. Following are the steps involved in manufacturing of a product and the ways ERP can come in handy to fulfil each one of them: Creating the design of the Product: During this first phase of any manufacturing process, health the team interactions play a mandatory role. It becomes essential to track all the ideas, clinic share them and then choose and implement the best out of them. An ERP at this stage will ensure consolidated communication among the design team and also allow the boss to track and contribute to the on-going discussion. ERP will also ensure that no important data is lost and that there is no communication gap between the team members and the boss. Sourcing the Raw Materials: When the product design is ready to be implemented, it is time to lay hands on the raw materials of the best quality and price. Here, your ERP will help you track all your relevant suppliers you have and allow you to request quotations from them with much ease. Processing the Raw Material: You might think that an ERP will be of no good use here, but you are wrong my friend 🙂 . During the processing phase your ERP will help you track all the raw materials in your warehouse and make sure that at no point you fall short of any raw material. Being a smart software, your ERP will already have asked you the required details and done the calculations carefully before coming to any deductions. 2718619097 Production and Quality Control: During this part of the manufacturing process, your ERP will not only track your warehouse and update it regularly after each transaction, but also help you track any lapse in manufacturing process causing the products to be rejected. You can then figure out the reason for rejects in a batch and improve upon any flaw in the system. quality-assurance Final Stage: When your products are through all the above phases and ready to be dispatched to your buyers, be they dealers, distributors or retailers, your ERP will do three things.

  1. It will handle the entire process of creating sales order, generating invoice and mailing of invoice to the client.
  2. It will keep a regular check on the changing statistics in your warehouse and ensure that you don’t find yourself in shortage of products.
  3. Your ERP will also help you easily execute all your orders by managing your fleet and tracking each of your orders till it is safely delivered at its destination.

image5 The best part is, that all of this is just the part where your ERP helps you control your manufacturing processes. Besides using an ERP for the above mentioned purposes, you can have it customized for any other processes that might be a part of your product manufacturing system. Let’s move on to the why question now. I am sure you must be convinced of the viability of having an ERP in your company, but in case you are not, here are four reasons as to why this integration will be of use to you. Consolidation and Streamlining of your Processes: As I already said, manufacturing is an intricate industry. As the size of the industry grows, the easier tasks start becoming hard to manage. It becomes vital that all the processes are consolidated and streamlined for the smooth running of the company. Cost Control: For any company, controlling their costs is of prime concern. An ERP helps in optimal resource utilization. With a minimal investment, you have a lot under control, enabling you to take better, well-informed decisions, which is reflected directly in your revenues. Flexibility: As your business grows and your as well as your business’ needs change, ERP can easily adjust accordingly and maintain pace with your progress. global-flexibility2 Error Free Working: With the integration of ERP you can ensure lesser flaws because of any operational or organisational loophole. Plus you can effectively manage all your day to day tasks without missing on anything important. As errors go down, so do costs Odoo suite has 4000 applications which can be easily combined and customized to be tailored for your company and hence produce maximum benefits for you. Target Integration has successfully integrated ERP for various manufacturing industries. If you want custom-made ERP for your manufacturing company, you can contact us at [email protected] *image source:,,,,

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