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Manage Your Notes with Evernote

Evernote LogoEver thought of getting rid of the physical notebook and putting all your thoughts in one electronic format. Evernote is an application which allows you to take notes in text, images, voice and screenshots format.

Evernote is available for Windows, Mac OS as a application; for your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) as an addon and for your Mobile (iPhone, Android and Blackberry) as an app and for everything else you have access to your notes using a web interface from

Evernote can be great for people on the move as notes taken from one application are automatically synchronized with the cloud and is made available to other devices. So now take a picture from your phone and put it inside the note and when you come to your office you have that note available on your laptop to edit.

Evernote allows you to have different notebooks and tag each note as well. You can decide weather you want the notebook to be synchronized with the cloud or not.

For example, people who would like to write a blog but don’t have time you can always record your audio blog sitting in your car using the Mobile app and then  either type it yourself or give it to someone to type it for you.

And for the record, at the end of the day notes taken by pen and paper are not out of the trend and it is easier to scribble on a piece of paper anyway so what you can do is take a picture of that scribble and put it in your note. This way you will have electronic record of that note as well. But don’t forget to title it correctly or tag it properly so that it is easier to search.

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