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Preparing Your Website for Smart Phones

With the growth of sales of smart phones such as the iPhone, and various Android devices, more and more websites are being accessed through mobile devices. The StatCounter website reveals that a global average of 7% of webpage request come from mobile devices, and that number is growing rapidly.

Websites that are designed in the traditional fashion can usually be accessed quite easily through a mobile device. However, websites that require a lot of user interaction, such as e-commerce sites and those sites that visitors frequently re-visit, can become less enjoyable to the user, the more they use it. Blogs come in the same category as well as the font size and scroll may create enough trouble for the user to loose interest in the article.

If you are reading this article on a mobile device you may already be looking at the mobile version.

If your site falls into one of these categories, then you should be thinking about making sure that it is easy to access and navigate on a mobile device, allowing your visitors to pick up and browse your website when and where they think of it, without any inconvenience.

The standard solution at the moment is to have a system that automatically detects a mobile device and then serves up another version of the website. Depending on the Content Management System that you use it can be easy to very difficult.

There are other quick solutions that you can look at. You could register your site with online services such as, or in particular, will allow you create a mobile version of your site, and will give you a tiny piece of code that you or your Web Developer can place on your website, and will automatically serve up this mobile version of your site when visitors are using a mobile.

The best solution by far is to have a mobile version of website designed, based upon the existing version, but more mobile friendly, and have your website automatically switch to this version when viewed through a mobile. Most modern Content Management Systems (CMS) can be customised to allow for such switch over.

Talk to us today on how you can mobilize your website.

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