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Target Integration at "Odoo Experience 2017"

1st Day Wednesday 1

11:30 – 12:00 Manage Your Customer Business Requirements in Odoo 1

12:00 – 12:30 Accounting & Localizations: What’s new in Odoo 11? 2

12:30 – 13:00 Studio as a Prototyping Tool 2

14:30 – 15:30 Odoo Helpdesk: Benefits for Customer Service Teams 2

15:30 – 16:00 Multi Company Setup / Odoo Best Practice 2

16:30 – 17:00 How bista works with Odoo ? 2

17:00 – 18:00 Development to Deployment in 3 Clicks 3

2nd Day Wednesday 3

11:00 – 11:30 Sepa Direct Debit and Credit Transfer 3

11:30 – 12:00 Odoo Scrummer – Empower your project management today 3

12:00 – 12:30 UX: Vision of the Odoo Design team 3

12:30 – 13:00 The New Activities: calls, emails, to-dos 4

14:30 – 15:00 API for Services: The next Odoo Revolution 4

15:00 – 16:00 Tutorial to Offer Services Through the New API 4

16:00 – 17:00 The Inventory & MRP refactoring 4

3rd Day Friday 4

10:10 – 11:10  – Development -> Staging -> Production with 4

11:10 – 11:30 – Odoo Accounting: First Step of Configuration 5

11:45 – 12:45 – Manage a Service Company like a Pro 5

12:45 – 13:15 – Development: 5 Mixins and Objects you will want to inherit 5

13:15 – 13:45 – Deep Dive in Odoo Subscription Management 5


1st Day Wednesday


11:30 – 12:00 Manage Your Customer Business Requirements in Odoo


This was a presentation concerning a product they have created to handle business requirements and link them to projects and sales orders, there is a combination of many modules that provides this capability, this was demonstrated in odoo community version, it was quite complicated as a product and workflow.


12:00 – 12:30 Accounting & Localizations: What’s new in Odoo 11?


In this presentation, Odoo has demonstrated the localization attempts they are doing and the changes they have done in accounting for different countries for Odoo 11, and their promise to make accounting meet the local needs in reporting/charts of accounts etc.


12:30 – 13:00 Studio as a Prototyping Tool

They presented on how Odoo Studio can help as a prototyping tool in order to present in a better way to both clients and internally for developers, client requirements and quickly create a POC of how the application would look like. It is also helpful to demonstrate this to the customer so they can quickly evaluate and identify missing points.


14:30 – 15:30 Odoo Helpdesk: Benefits for Customer Service Teams


A presentation of the odoo helpdesk functionality was done, and it was shown how you can track/keep the SLA the statistics provided, timesheets and how Odoo can help you track the Customer Service Team.


15:30 – 16:00 Multi Company Set Up / Odoo Best Practice


In this presentation the best practices for odoo Multi Company were presented, the key point here is to make one admin/company that you will be using to set the specific company needs, then define the rules for intercompany sharing.


16:30 – 17:00 How Bista works with Odoo?


In this presentation, the chairman/owner of Bista gave examples of his experience with Odoo and how he made a team of 40 people grow into 180 within 4 years. The key points from his approach were:


  1. You should always do a POF for a project that is being paid for by the client with an approximate 25% of the total budget. This will be a paid exercise, if they accept it, it means they are interested in the project. At the same time, you get money for the requirements gathering and prototyping/POC. You need to focus more on the design/requirements gathering than the development.
  2. It is better to keep your team empty of projects rather than getting not good projects to keep them occupied as this will consume more resources without providing any profit.


17:00 – 18:00 Development to Deployment in 3 Clicks


In this presentation the platform was introduced and there was a demonstration of the features it offers; workflow, merging branches and how to put them in a staging or even production, email catcher and how to build a console and log a console.


2nd Day Wednesday


11:00 – 11:30 Sepa Direct Debit and Credit Transfer


Odoo presented the functionality provided in Odoo 11 to create Sepa XML files for Direct Debit and Credit Transfer and how the process can be integrated with Odoo.


11:30 – 12:00 Odoo Scrummer – Empower your project management today


Modular (Igor) presented their product Scrummer that will help project managers and allow companies to implement Scrum. The basic functionality of the product will be given for free, but there will be paid add-ons. I asked, What is the revenue logic here? They plan to get money from consulting (they have a Scrum expert in their company) helping companies implement Scrum.


12:00 – 12:30 UX: Vision of the Odoo Design team


Odoo has presented the changes in the UI for Odoo 11 and also what is their main focus/approach they use. Mostly the usability and clarity are the key points that drive their implementations, examples of changes were given to show how they help clarity and usability in Odoo 11.


12:30 – 13:00 The New Activities: calls, emails, to-dos


Odoo has created a new activities model and flow. It is now embedded in the chatter, you can create/edit activities and program activities in the future for all models that support chatter. So this way chatter is showing the history of what has been done and what is pending and scheduled to be done for the model. There is also a new icon on the top right that opens all the activities, past, today’s and future all grouped by model.


14:30 – 15:00 API for Services: The next Odoo Revolution


Fabien Pinckaers has demonstrated the new Service API, what is the vision of Odoo, how services can be implemented/charged, and what is the Service API offering to partners/integrators.


15:00 – 16:00 Tutorial to Offer Services Through the New API


CTO of Odoo has presented in more detail the In-App Purchases and the Service API giving some small examples of how the integration is done, the model COPS Client, Odoo, Partner, Service and how stakeholders are involved in the service delivery.


16:00 – 17:00 The Inventory & MRP refactoring


Odoo has presented new changes that have been completed in Inventory and MRP applications. There has been some refactoring to help speed-up and also make the complexity of inventory application less complicated. Some models have been removed and also some views/features for example; Procurement Exceptions are no longer there, and messaging / chatter is used now to help the user identify the error in the procurement process. Routes / Push / Pull rules are still there, quants have also been changed.


3rd Day Friday


10:10 – 11:10  – Development -> Staging -> Production with


Odoo has presented the workflow and features of, an example has been given and presented on how the CI process can be done, a live example with GitHub and also the features of have been presented.


11:10 – 11:30 – Odoo Accounting: First Step of Configuration


Odoo presented how you can quickly configure your accounting and the presentation was quite slow. Mostly, the COA template was presented and that you should not switch template, only to a new company. Switching is quite complicated better to deactivate accounts and journals.


11:45 – 12:45 – Manage a Service Company like a Pro


Odoo presented how you can run a service company in Odoo, how to do timesheets, how to track time spent on projects, how to view the time spent, used, yet to invoice. How to see who has worked in what part of the project/task. How to create a project from Sales Order. I had a discussion with the presented concerning the relation of multiple sales orders into one project, the way the system is built is a bit reverse, so you have to do configurations in the product level every time to attach a sales order to a  project or project task. In general, the Service module we have is quite intelligent in that regard….


12:45 – 13:15 – Development: 5 Mixins and Objects you will want to inherit


Odoo has presented models (chatter, activities, message) that are helpful for development and that are offering nice services/features to custom modules you are creating.


13:15 – 13:45 – Deep Dive in Odoo Subscription Management


Odoo presented the features of the Subscription Management and the workflow and how you will be able to trace the recurring revenues and handle the recurring invoicing by using the cron jobs to automatically create the invoices in draft stage. Also, how you can upsell and allow users to cancel their subscription online.


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