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Installing Redmine (Project and Bug Tracking) on Ubuntu 10.04

Every software development organisation needs bug tracking software to track the problems in the software they are creating and so does Target Integration. We were relying on Bugzilla so far but the complex architecture and user interface kept a lot of non technical users away and the absence of creating trouble tickets from emails was one of the feature which was missing as well. So we decided on using Redmine for the Project Management and Bug tracking. Here are the steps used to install Redmine Version 0.9 on Ubuntu 10.04

  1. Install MySQL and Apache on Ubuntu 10.04 using
    {code type=codetype}sudo apt-get install mysql-server apache2{/code}
  2. Install Redmine for MySQL using the following command
    {code type=codetype}sudo apt-get install redmine redmine-mysql{/code}
    this will install all the dependencies required for Redmine. If you would like to use Redmine on a different database than MySQL you may replace redmine-mysql to redmine-pgsql or redmine-sqllite. Just make sure you install the database in first step. Also, apoplectic during the installation it will ask you questions like MySQL root password and Redmine database password.
  3. Once this is complete; redmine will be installed in /usr/share/redmine. You need to do some configuration changes to get redmine working.
  4. Create a link as below
    {code type=codetype}sudo ln -s /usr/share/redmine/public/ /var/www/redmine/{/code}
  5. Add following line in /etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.conf 
    {code type=codetype}PassengerDefaultUser www-data{/code}
  6. Add following lines in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default just above the </VirtualHost>
    {code type=codetype}RailsEnv production

    RailsBaseURI /redmine

    <Directory /opt/redmine/public/>

    Options FollowSymLinks

    AllowOverride None

    Order deny,allow

    Allow from all


And that’s it. Now you can access Redmine by going to http://YourServerIPAddress/redmine/ and logging in using default admin username and password of admin/admin.

Happy {De}-Bugging 🙂

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