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Vtiger Help Desk Price Comparison with Features

Build a comprehensive knowledge base using previous interactions with customers to provide fast answers to most frequently asked questions. Vtiger comes with Help Desk Software for multi-channel customer support to manage cases at scale, and at SLA-speeds for your entire business process. Vtiger Provide 3 important ways that help Your customer support operations, Your team can resolve the customer issue as a customer wants in the preferred channel with a meaningful response. Set your agent on more important task as Help Desk gives them a clear picture of what to focus on while giving them easy access. The help desk provides a platform where support managers can address important issues that need more attention. Vtiger help desk comes with many features with their different version, Please check below features and price table to more about Vtiger help desk.

Starter Professional
Yearly billing
/ user / month
In USD $10 $20
In INR ₹600 ₹1,200
Monthly billing
/ user / month
In USD $14 $28
In INR ₹840 ₹1680
Max Users Unlimited Unlimited
Max Records Unlimited Unlimited
Contact Management
Profile scoring
Engagement Score
Touchpoints/Contacts Activity View
Custom Lists
Best Time to Contact
Contact Enrichment
Action Center
Activity Alerts
Configurable Smart Alerts
Document Tracking Alerts
Direct Mentions and Team Alerts
Email Tracking Alerts
Life Cycle Alerts
Personal Inbox (Per User) 1 1
Record Activity Alerts
Team/Shared Inbox (Per User) 1 3
Team Activity Alerts
Task & Calendar
Activities, Calls, and Events
Auto-assigned Group Appointment Pages
Group Events/Webinar Appointment Pages
Manage Tasks and Personal To-dos
My Calendar
Personal Meet-me Pages
Shared Calendar
Email Functionality
Email Tracking w/ Real Time Notifications
Email Templates
Email Sequences (Sequences Per User)
Email Sequences (Emails Per User)
Inbox – Shared Mailbox (Per User) 1 3
Inbox – Personal Mailbox (Per User) 1 1
Related Comments
2-way Email Sync(Gmail and IMAP
Sales Process Management
Deal Revenue Line Items
Deal to Contacts Role
Journey Template
Multiple Pipelines
Multiple Currencies
Round Robin Lead Assignment
Sentiment Tracking
Sales Pipeline
Sales Forecasting
Sales Quotas
Sales Insights
Tax Configuration
Support Management
Work Orders
Internal Tickets
Knowledge Base
Email to Case (Ticket)
Round Robin Case Assignment
Organization Matching with Email Domain
Service Contracts
Customer Portal (Per User) 50 100
Case SLA Policies 15 25
Internal Ticket SLA Policies
Business Hours 25 25
Support Insights
Agent-level Business Hours
Case Satisfaction Survey
Internal Tickets Insights
Inventory Management
Price Books
Payment Tracking
Purchase Orders
Sales Orders
Inventory Add-on
Credit Notes
Receipt Note
Delivery Note
Twitter Integration
Capture Leads from Twitter
Creating Cases from Twitter
Social Interactions with Leads and Contacts
Project Management
Manage Projects
Manage Project Milestones
Sub Tasks
Task Views – List, Kanban, and Calendar
Task Dependencies (Finish to Start)
Automated Task End Times
(User Business Hours)
Project Gantt View
Automated Time Tracking and Billing
Project Key Metrics and Analytics
Project Templates
Users and Access Control
Organization Hierarchy (Roles)
User Groups
Field-level Access Control
User Groups
Global Sharing Rules
Private Sharing
Record Level Sharing
Profile Limit 5 25
Role Limit 5 25
Multiple Owners for Records
IP Whitelisting
Reports and Analytics
Built-in Sales Intelligence Dashboard
Customizable Dashboards
Sales Insights
Custom Report Builder 50 Custom + 10 Scheduled
100 Custom + 25 Scheduled
Out-of-box Reports and Charts
Record Level Analytics
Custom Scheduled Reports
Vtiger sales Analytics Content Pack (Power BI)
Document Collaboration
Document Library
Document Sharing (Per Month) 5 10
Document Collaboration (Internal and
Document Consumption Tracking
Google Drive Integration
Dropbox Integration
OneDrive Integration
Document Upload – Max File Size 25 MB 26 MB
Group Inboxes
Phone Calls
Vtiger Live Chat
Survey Add-ons
Internal Collaboration
Direct Messages
Attach Files to Direct Messages
Group Messages
Calendar Notifications
Marketing Automation
Email Campaigns
Auto Responder Campaigns
Automatic Email Personalization
Campaign Scheduling
Free Monthly Email Credits (Per User)
Tracking Opens, Clicks, and Bounces
Subscriber List
List Segmentation
Unsubscribe from Specific Lists
Email Opt-out
Email Templates Library
Email Templates Builder
Customizable Email Templates
Image Storage
Vtiger Branding Removed from Emails
SMS Campaigns
SMS Reply Actions
Google Calendar
Google Contacts
Google Drive
One Drive
Digital Document Signing
Payment Systems
Shopping Cart
Office 365
Google Meet
Zoom Meet
Exchange Connector Paid App Paid App
Custom Modules
Custom Fields (Per Module) 25 50
Text Area Fields 5 10
DateTime Fields 2 2
Rich Text Fields 2 2
Items Per Picklist 1000 1000
Characters Per Picklist Value 100 100
Custom Layouts
Colors for Picklist
Dependent Page Layouts
Print Templates
Customizable Record Numbering
Terms and Conditions
BCC Email to Archive
Lead Creation from Email
Contact Creation from Email
Case Creation from Email
Organization Creation from Email
Smart Alerts and Follow-up Rules
Push Notifications
Workflows 25 50
Multipath Workflows 2 5
Allowed Actions/Workflows 6 8
Workflow Field Updates
Scheduled Workflows 10 20
Hourly Limit 1 2
Daily Limit 5 10
Assignment Rules
Deals and Quote Approval Automation
Approval Process Automation (All Modules)
Case Escalation Rules 3 Unlimited
Update Notifications (On Save Alerts)
Web to Lead Form
Web to Contact Form
Web to Opportunity Form
Web to Cases Form
Web to Organization Form
Web to Vendors Form
Telephony Integration
Incoming Call Contact Pop-up
Call Logging
Call Recording
Data Deduplication
File Storage
Data Export
Data Import
Storage (Per User) 5 GB or 500 MB
7.5 GB or 750 MB
Audit Logs
Deduplication of Data
Mobile App for Android and iOS
Manage Contacts, Leads, and Organizations
Manage Deals, Quotes, and Invoices
Contacts Map View
View Onsite Agenda and Navigate
Check-in and Check-out Feature
Geo-fence Configuration and Detection
Manage Cases
Generate Invoice from a Completed
Work Order
Gmail Add-on
Webhooks (Calls Per User)
250 (25,000 max Per Day)
Vtiger Privacy Guard Paid App Paid App
Automated Consent Management
Encryption of Sensitive Data at Rest
(Fields Per Module)
5 5
Access logs, Auditing, and Reports
Automated Data Handling Policies
SAML Based Single Sign-on
Allowed IPs
Encryption at Rest

Choosing the right help desk software for business is very important. Vtiger help desk provides you to create cases automatically from your email, webforms, and customer portal. And also Vtiger allows you to define working hours for agents. You can have multiple business hours based on region or other criteria. Target Integration is a premium partner of Vtiger and provides all types of services for All in one, Help Desk and Sales CRM like implementation, support, and integration. Contact Us to know more about the Vtiger product.

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