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How to improve Business Process Automation?

Where are you now after reaping the benefits of Business Process Automation or BPA?

If you are reading this article, you have surely experienced some of the headaches after automating your business.

Business Process Automation

What is Business Process Automation?

Let us revisit what it is. Business Process Automation is the automation of manual & repeating tasks in a company. It forms its structure from Business Process Management (BPM). Thus, a company has to have a strong Business Process Management that comprises all aspects of a business, such as Finance, Production, Human Resources etc. These categories roughly come under the tag of ERP and CRM. Thus, Business Process Automation demands a good evaluation of the company through its ERP and CRM.

There is a heterogeneous range of Business Process Automation software and tools available today. Some among the major business process automation companies are:

Odoo— It is a business management software consisting of E-commerce, CRM (Customer Relation Management), Accounting, CMS (Content Management System) etc. It has a community version and an enterprise version. It is provided by a Belgium-based company called Odoo S.A.

Microsoft Suite— Simply called Microsoft Office, the tools offered by Microsoft is still unbeatable. The most used is the desktop version, but the online and mobile versions are also handy. It is much developed with the integration of cloud and intelligent tools like spell checker and data integration. Microsoft office is one among the various range of products Microsoft offers for Business Process Automation (BPA).

Zendesk— Zendesk is a US-based company providing Saas products for CRM like customer service, sales and communications. It was widely used among start-ups in the initial stage but grew famous after Twitter became a client, by 2008.

SAP Business One: — SAP Business One is one of the many software solutions provided by the German company named, SAP. This is one of the most popular ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software solutions used throughout the world. Real-time reporting and analytics on manufacturing, warehouse management, and sales is a competitive features of SAP Business One.

Perks of Business Process Automation

All the tools mentioned above are popular because of the features and benefits they have delivered to existing users.

According to Grand view research, the market for modern business management automation is estimated to increase from 4.87 billion in 2018 to 26 billion in 2025. Besides, the pandemic has raised its bar.

Most of companies have some form of automation. Those who had a sustainable Business Process Automation have not only survived but also flourished and stood the test of time.

This also has started a trend, and put businesses in demand, for further automation process improvement. Since constant renewal is needed for existing implementations, gauging a business for further automation is a lengthy process.

What does it mean by improving BPA?

  1. Business Process Improvement: Business process improvement or process improvement is a strategic process to improve your business to help grow to the next level or to rectify and go forward improving efficiency and profit. It has to go through Business Process Improvement (BPI) methodologies like BPM, Kaizen, Six Sigma, Process Maps, etc.
  2. Effective updates on time: Computer programs may release updates from time to time. Once in a while, the program may upgrade, which should be in sync with the current hardware facilities that are timely revised. Automation can be a great thing that happened to your business. But some drawbacks can backfire at the same time. An optimal backup and revival plan, or, plan B is revising and improvising the hardware and software requirements. Another is, switching to an entirely new solution that best suits your needs and helps your business improve.
  3. Optimization according to business growth: The more tools you need in your automated software, the more complications your employees and management are going to handle. It will also demand more maintenance costs. Therefore, optimising the implementations according to updated requirements continually is one of the important parts of automation process improvement. Improvement should be done in such a way that people (be it customers or employees) should be able to cope up with new changes.
  4. Safety measures: Safety measures for an organization are more relevant in the current times. Cyber security is a vast topic when it comes to the new world of eCommerce and virtual offices. Establishing cyber security in a company’s networks has its own new risk and developments. The layered security model that’s widely used begins with the internet on one end and employees on the other side. That is, there should be adequate technical support and employee awareness at the same time.
  5. Required training: While continuous learning in the field of expertise (like Udemy courses) is an added advantage to an organization, training is an essential requirement. Employees should be trained adequately for Business Process Automation and its improvements. Otherwise, it is less likely for a business to thrive with new technological updates coming on the way.

How does Target Integration help your business now?

Target Integration is a company that supplies software solutions and services needed for good Business Process Automation. Be it business process automation consulting, implementation, or improvement, Target Integration gives you the best business process automation software solutions that are fitting, by keeping the potential growth of the business in mind. That being said, it offers standard training and certifications of the companies it has partnered with. Target integration is a gold partner of Odoo and a certified Zendesk partner of  Also, SAP Business One partner.

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